The Human Rights Flag

The Human Rights Flag is a collection of paintings by 29 artists from 20 different countries, members of the Global Village CreatArtist, group created by Victor Valqui Vidal, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(See my creation on the bottom)

From 2012-2013 it has exhibited at 10 different venues: Denmark, Portugal, Netherlands, Canada.
From 2014 to 2016 it was displayed at Vervestig Legal and Prison and Historical Museum.
After 2016 has been exhibited at Frøslev Prison Camp Museum, Padborg, Denmark.
Now a copy of the artworks are at Flensburg Central Library, Germany.

Flensburg Central Library, Germany

Frøslev Prison Camp Museum, Padborg, Denmark

My creation is based on
Article IV, against slavery:
"No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."

Acrylics on canvas, 30x30cm / 12x12 in


©2014 Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved