Virginia and Andre Belly Award, 3-D category - the 90th San Antonio Art League & Museum Juried Exhibition
Selected Bibliography
90th San Antonio Art League & Museum Juried Exhibition, San Antonio, TX

2019 Human Rights?#Clima - Campana dei Cadutti, Rovereto, Italy

Repurpose... Reimagine! Art Exhibit @ White's Chapel Methodist Church
31st Exhibition Competition Alexandria Museum of Art
Waging Peace! - Florida State Museum of Art
Richland Student Media - Constructio Art Exhibit
Art & Cake LA - Studio Views Part II
Woven Tale Press Magazine - Vol 2
Art Reveal Magazine
Random Sample: online literary journal
Le Femmes Folles
365Artists/365Days - Gallery & Artists Database
Drifting Down the Lane - Art & Poetry Explorations
Book by Harriette Lawler and Agnes Marton
Book available on Blurb
Metaphysical Expressions - The Arts United Magazine Issue #3 - pages:37-40
Visual Poetry - A Global Village Event - Project created by Victor Valqui Vidal
Book available on Blurb
Modern Luxury Interiors Texas - October 2013
Disembodied Bestiary: Animals and Abstraction - Disembodied Text Magazine
Evolve art exhibit catalogue - Arts & Science Gallery
100 artworks from the World for Fukushima
Book with all the contributions from around the world to Japan for the Fukushima victims
Project created by Chiyuky Itoga
Placebos for Art - Behring Institute for Medical Research, German Office and Research Center
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
International Dictionary of Artists 2011, World Wide Art Books, Santa Barbara, CA