
Creating artwork with found objects is more than simply reusing them.

Every object I incorporate into my work carries with it a line of human thought.
Someone had an idea, developed a project, and materialized that object through a production process.
Then, someone bought it, used it, and discarded it—until it found its way into my hands.

I give these pieces new life by assembling them in unexpected ways, crafting a new narrative, a new story.

I honor and admire the thought behind every object I use, recognizing the beauty in the human mind that conceived it.
There’s beauty in a discarded, outdated memento, a metal piece or even, in electronic waste.

This is what fuels my creations: a constant playfulness in seeing things differently and a deep respect for the inherent beauty in
every human idea that shapes the world around us.

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2024 ©Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved

©2023 Roberta Masciarelli. All rights reserved