Title: [Inventorum Natura] -- From Latin, 'Found in Nature'
Mixed media assemblage, 80% of found objects
Size: 16 x 20x2.5in / 40.6x50.8x5cm
I wanted to express my reverence to Mother Nature: different colors as different kind of trees and animals: rhinoceros, felines, camels, horses.
They are in pairs pertaining to the reproduction of the species.
As central figure there is a Pegasus, a mythical creature.
Who knows about Nature’s secrets? It was real? It will be real some day?
In the middle, a painting: the process of becoming & transformation.
A quote from Antoine Lavoisier (a chemist killed by the French Revolution in 1794):
“In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes.”
At the top the round symbol is shown as the eternal source of the Universe.