Title: [Factorem Somniorum] - Series Devices
From Latin, Maker of Dreams
Device - A dreams maker, streaming symbols from the collective to our subconscious when we sleep
Assemblage sculpture with found objects and repurposed materials
It is a device - dream maker - which streams symbols from the collective to our subconscious when we sleep, creating our dreams.
It took me about 11 months to finish this piece. I assembled the structure in January of 2015.
I couldn’t work on that due to my 2 kittens, they were playing around with everything that I was trying to do.
So I moved my studio out from my house.
But this piece was stuck on the wall and I couldn’t finish it.
Finally, in December 30th of the last year I did it.
I'm happy with the result. It wouldn’t have worked out if I had rushed the process.