Assemblage Sculptures | 1


Title: Quando la Notte Cede (When the Night Gives Way) -  Bianco Series

Assemblage sculpture with found objects and repurposed materials

The intent of this artwork is an optimistic message about hope, a sentiment that resonates across all cultures. It reflects the constant motion of light and darkness, both inherent in human existence.
It also serves as a call for detachment and thoughtful analysis of challenging situations, encouraging a macro perspective that considers both sides of a subject, and realizing that “this, too, shall pass.”
Considering the current state of the world, it is helpful to view events as an ebb and flow, recognizing that nothing is permanent, even in the face of tragic occurrences.
The moon gives way to the sun, signifying new beginnings and inevitable endings.
This represents the duality in which we live.

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